Friday, August 10, 2018

Crystals, Gemstones, and Healing Energy

During my studies of energy healing, I happened to be in a metaphysical store in Sarasota. As I strolled through their books and CD collection, I came across a display of crystals in a front corner of their storefront window. I noticed my heart begin to race and felt the energy coming off a large Amethyst Geode. This experience reminded me of the books on crystals I'd read many years before and still had at home. However, I couldn't resist back-tracking and buying one that I found in the store called Crystal Healing: Harness a Million Years of Earth Energy.

When I returned home, I located the others on my bookshelves and pulled them out to reread. The one that fascinated me the most was titled Gifts of the Gemstone Guardians, by Ginny and Michael Katz, published in 1989. In that book a husband and wife team who'd been meditating together found themselves, during a meditation, sitting in a circle of the Gemstone Guardians. One Guardian they described as an older man with a long white beard dressed in a purple robe, spoke to them about writing a book about the history of the gemstones. The book was to explain why and when they were formed on earth, and how they evolved over the centuries, and how their energies can work to help heal inhabitants of the earth. The stones, if used correctly, have the power to heal us emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But we'd need to have open minds and hearts to accept their help. Over the course of thirty chapters and visiting with different guardians who told about everything from clear Quartz Crystals to ocean stones such as Pearls, I learned about the spiritual beauty and magnificence of not only the gemstones and crystals, but the earth and universe as well.

The book I purchased at the store was a simple and colorful explanation of some of the more popular crystals and stones used for healing. They even categorize certain stones for their different abilities related to one's horoscope and ruling sun sign. I found this very handy, as a couple stones that I'd already been drawn to, were ones that matched up with my sun sign. As an example, I'm a Libra and my Sun sign is Venus the planet that rules the heart and love. Two of the best heart openers are Rose Quartz and green gems and stones such as Malachite (shown above.) Other green gems such as Emerald and Jade are very powerful. Green is the color of healing and the heart Chakra. I like the green Malachite particularly because it is also a third eye opener. I enjoy focusing on one of the rings in the Malachite when I meditate. Malachite has all the knowledge of the earth within it. If it were in the ground it could actually communicate with other Malachite around the world. It's all about energy and vibration.

I hope I've helped spur a bit of interest in the wonders of the earth and the energies that abound. My next blog will be about my experiences as I learn to increase my intuitive abilities through various divining exercises practiced in the psychic circle which I've joined. We all have intuition and it's like any muscle in the body, it increases with practice.