Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I’ve been thinking about what has brought me to my present circumstances and the need to understand the universe and how it operates. Given my love for research, it seems only natural that I was drawn to certain topics and insights that helped me renew some of my psychic abilities from childhood. For example, I’m seeing energy and auras again. Other abilities will be revealed later. I invite my readers to follow me on this journey, a journey anyone can take . . . in their own way of course.


I wonder, was it my decision to write my first travel mystery with the thought of adding in legends, lore and the paranormal elements that emerge in different cultures.

Or was it the decision I made in 2007 to become Vegan, eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet? Ten years later, becoming adamant to eat only organic, which means avoiding all non-GMO foods programmed with herbicides and pesticides. At the same time, finding ways to limit toxins in my environment. Did this, as many have suggested, raise my energetic vibrations?

Was it perhaps the fall I took after having undergone a 26-day detox, which had allowed me to feel fantastic, only to misstep off a curb and come crashing to earth, injuring my back. Or, was it finally dealing with the fact, that over the years I’ve fallen many times; twisting ankles, cracking ribs, and even once fracturing my pelvis? Since I’m healthy, I’ve always healed quickly, proving that our bodies are amazing in their ability to heal, but until I dealt with the emotional trauma at the root of those events, I was doomed to keep repeating them. Now that I no longer need to fall, I've been learning to be present in the moment and I've adopted new, better habits that are serving to keep me safe from careless missteps.

Has it helped that I returned to my time on the mat doing yoga and meditation? Absolutely!

I know it’s a combination of all these things that led me to research and discover Energy Medicine, the healing power of crystals, the energy vortexes around the globe and here in my home town of Sarasota. As well as the many ways to practice psychic awareness through various forms of divination. I find that I've created in my life the perfect circumstances for a psychic awareness.

Stay tuned to see what came next in my psychic journey. I welcome your comments about your own psychic journeys and experiences.


  1. I am very interested in your journey Tell me more :)

  2. I figured, after your "oh-so-Zen-minded" son lived with you for a few weeks after your last fateful fall, that you experienced a psychic-spiritual surge in your environment that then inspired you take a leap! ;-)

  3. Gee I hadn’t thought of that, but it makes sense. ��
